Moon, Cancer, and the 4th House; all energetically the same. Positively, we are nourishing and nourished through this energy. We take time for ourselves, and others, trust and enjoyment are undisputed. We know who we are and need and are fulfilled. Essential to Soul growth is this trust in life. Through this, we open to new and unfamiliar energy and integrate lessons we don’t yet know. In this way, habits can be broken, new approaches integrated, and fundamental changes can be made.
By extension, this energy of Moon in our chart shows what food our Soul incarnated hungering for. Soul food is what opens, softens, nourishes, and enriches our lives. Being fed this metaphorical food allows us to become these ideas, experiences, people, emotions, etc. as signified by the Moon configurations and in this way, we are changed, our Soul grows.
It represents our mother, family, childhood experiences and perhaps our own children. It represents how we feel comfortable and how we can be calmed.
With stressful aspects or placements, we realize that sometimes the luxury of softness or trust has not been experienced. We may not feel safe. This can come from several experiences: family dynamics, mother or mother’s own experiences witnessed by each of us, and/or previous life memories at subconscious levels. We don’t relax and therefore our digestion of Soul food does not happen. We are frozen without integration of our experiences in this life and Soul growth is stunted.
There may need to be going back to a childlike place of trust, even as an adult, if this was not experienced earlier in life. In this way the process of opening and softening can be reclaimed by healing the traumatic memories. When there is retention of trauma, post-traumatic-stress-disorder as an extreme, the individual cannot feel safe, trust is not achieved. This causes stunting of emotions, closing off to fully being nourished by life and therefore incomplete Soul growth results. Only through going back to the pain can this individual heal and truly move forward for further evolution of the Soul.
As the planets move, they contact our own birth planet positions. We are then given an opportunity to bring to our consciousness something that is underdeveloped or frozen. We might experience childish anger, sadness, or other strong emotions reminiscent of childhood. Self-enforced starvation or ill-health through overly indulgent eating can also result from these signatures. We are feeding our body; we are starving our body, but our Soul is crying out for its own nourishment. We might experience physical symptoms that indicate Moon-linked associations. An incomplete list of moon conditions and body assignations include stomach, breasts, fluid retention, one of the eyes and the primitive brain. It represents anything underdeveloped such as congenital heart disease, and any cyst that develops in the body.
Through these physical, emotional, or psychological symptoms we experience suffering. To heal the suffering, we might understand or relive the trauma with some professional guidance or with a trusted friend or partner. Don’t we all want true healing of our Soul?