Week of June 30, 2024 – Synthesis of Astrology and Functional Medicine

Pressure to create a balance of individual health and comfort vs destroying any false sense of security is the bottom line of this next week.

The first of the week with Moon in Taurus having just passed Hygeia and is moving away from its square with Pluto. This configuration pressures us to establish stability and emotional contentment. Seize pleasure, sensuality and enjoyment. The Taurean Mars is approached by the Moon, we feel alive in this beautiful and enriching experience. We might feel pressured to leave any situation that isn’t supportive of our experience but avoid confrontation and stubborn, petty squabbles for this will not support this opportunity for beauty. Physically our bodies can digest and be nourished with delicious food, massage, beautiful music, and art during this influence. The nodal axis has been pressuring us through the past year so, be willing to be nourished. This nourishment is supported by allowing the pace of life to dictate this week. Sun squaring the nodal axis may create tension and pressure to force us out of our comfortable rhythm so be aware of the push and pull to avoid stress marring the natural unfoldment of your process. Learning give-and-take will lessen the already amped up fight or flight response of this month. 

Saturn is conjunct but moving away from Neptune. Questioning, prodding the nature and truth of the security afforded by the Cancer and Taurus planets is highlighted.  In the body we might feel our enjoyment, again, to be undermined by this unnerving energy but let life support your enjoyment at the same time it is questioned.

Mid-week Mercury and Pluto’s opposition is indisputable. We may feel that our peace may not be as important as discussion about peace. We feel compelled to verbally assert our understanding, vocalize disputes to clarify. Adrenaline rush is the price for the understanding of peace. This will, undoubtedly, create some physical response: elevated blood pressure, headache, angry stomach, all a possibility. Be aware of this so you can find release mechanisms such as massage, baths and walks to calm the nerves.   This process of alternating heated discussion and calm discourse will be balanced through Moon moving to Jupiter.

By the end of the week, Moon is moving through a conjunction with Sun, Venus and Mercury but the nourishing Cancer energy is pressured by an opposition to Pluto. Again, the contrast of comfort and support challenged by the need to clarify and objectify this comfort. This affords a more creative understanding. In the body, the effect of this Pluto in Aquarius can create dehydration, headaches and trouble relaxing. Create space for your mental health and relaxation. It will support this creative process.